Interworld: A Novel

TitleInterworld: A Novel
Year for Search1932
AuthorsWhitham, John W.(1868-1952)
Date Published1932
PublisherFilm Row Press
Place PublishedSeattle, WA
KeywordsMale author, US author

Much of the novel is adventure, romance, and social commentary, but it also includes a eutopia on Mars. Earth is backward, but the rest of the universe communicates among the planets. The Martian eutopia has advanced technology that allows individual flight. Egalitarian. One government (231). One language (231). No police or military (231). The main function of government is to ensure that the little work needed to be done is equitably distributed (234).

Holding Institutions

MoU-St, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1932 Whitham, John W.  (1868-1952). Interworld: A Novel. Seattle, WA: Film Row Press. MoU-St, PSt

Much of the novel is adventure, romance, and social commentary, but it also includes a eutopia on Mars. Earth is backward, but the rest of the universe communicates among the planets. The Martian eutopia has advanced technology that allows individual flight. Egalitarian. One government (231). One language (231). No police or military (231). The main function of government is to ensure that the little work needed to be done is equitably distributed (234).