"The Iron Standard"

Title"The Iron Standard"
Year for Search1943
Authors[Kuttner], [Henry](1914-58), and [Moore], [Catherine Lucille](1911-87)
Tertiary AuthorsPadgett, Lewis [pseud.]
Secondary TitleAstounding Science Fiction 32.4 (December 1943)
Pagination74-94, 96-98
Date Published1943
KeywordsFemale author, Male author, US author

Flawed utopia on a Venus that sees its system, thousands of years old, as perfect and allows no innovation, which benefits those in power. Men from Earth upset the system


Lewis Padgett [pseud.]

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Kuttner (1914-1958) Moore (1911-87)

Full Text

1943 [Kuttner, Henry (1914-1958) and Catherine Lucille Moore (1911-87)]. “The Iron Standard.” By Lewis Padgett [pseud.]. Astounding Science Fiction (New York) 32.4 (December 1943): 74-94, 96-98. PSt

Flawed utopia on a Venus that sees its system, thousands of years old, as perfect and allows no innovation, which benefits those in power. Men from Earth upset the system. Female co-author.