"Japanese Tea"

Title"Japanese Tea"
Year for Search1979
AuthorsGreen, Terence M[ichael](b. 1947)
Secondary AuthorsCollins, Paul [A.](b. 1954)
Secondary TitleAlien Worlds
Date Published1979
PublisherCory & Collins
Place PublishedMelbourne, VIC, Australia
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

Dystopian educational system of the future.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his The Woman Who Is the Midnight Wind (Potters Lake, NS, Canada: Pottersfield Press, 1987), 69-83.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian author (1947).

Full Text

1979 Green, Terence M[ichael] (b. 1947). “Japanese Tea.” Alien Worlds. Ed. Paul [A.] Collins (Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Cory & Collins, 1979), 241-252. Rpt. in his The Woman Who Is the Midnight Wind (Potters Lake, NS, Canada: Pottersfield Press, 1987), 69-83. Can

Dystopian educational system of the future. Canadian author.