Jimi Hendrix Turns Eighty

TitleJimi Hendrix Turns Eighty
Year for Search2007
AuthorsSandlin, Tim(b. 1950)
Pagination308 pp.
Date Published2007
PublisherRiverhead Books
Place PublishedNew York
ISBN Number 978-1-59448-933-4
KeywordsMale author, US author

The novel is set in an old age home where a man has been sent by his daughter, who uses a single lapse, to take control of his assets. The other residents are aging hippies, while he is a sportswriter from Oklahoma, so he has trouble fitting it. But the focus of the novel is the rebellion of the members against the authoritarian system they are forced to live under. Much satire.

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Author Note

(b. 1950)

Full Text

2007 Sandlin, Tim (b. 1950). Jimi Hendrix Turns Eighty. New York: Riverhead Books. 308 pp. CaOTU, PU

The novel is set in an old age home where a man has been sent by his daughter, who uses a single lapse, to take control of his assets. The other residents are aging hippies, while he is a sportswriter from Oklahoma, so he has trouble fitting it. But the focus of the novel is the rebellion of the members against the authoritarian system they are forced to live under. Much satire.