A Journey lately performed through the Air, in an Aerostatic Globe, commonly called an Air Balloon, from this terraqueous Globe to the Newly Discovered Planet, Georgium Sidus, by Monsieur Vivenair

TitleA Journey lately performed through the Air, in an Aerostatic Globe, commonly called an Air Balloon, from this terraqueous Globe to the Newly Discovered Planet, Georgium Sidus, by Monsieur Vivenair
Year for Search1784
AuthorsVivenair, Monsieur [pseud.]
Date Published1784
Place PublishedLondon

Satire on the England of George III (1738-1820) set on the planet Georgium Sidus (George's Star) or Uranus.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in The Man in the Moone and Other Lunar Fantasies. Ed. Faith K. Pizor and T. Allan Comp (New York: Praeger, 1971), 146-61; and in Modern British Utopias 1700-1850. Ed. Gregory Claeys. 8 vols. (London: Pickering & Chatto, 1997), 4: 217-32.


Monsieur Vivenair [pseud.]

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1784 Vivenair, Monsieur [pseud.]. A Journey lately performed through the Air, in an Aerostatic Globe, commonly called an Air Balloon, from this terraqueous Globe to the Newly Discovered Planet, Georgium Sidus, by Monsieur Vivenair. London: Np. Rpt. in The Man in the Moone and Other Lunar Fantasies. Ed. Faith K. Pizor and T. Allan Comp (New York: Praeger, 1971), 146-61; and in Modern British Utopias 1700-1850. Ed. Gregory Claeys. 8 vols. (London: Pickering & Chatto, 1997), 4: 217-32. DeGE, PSt, VUW

Satire on the England of George III (1738-1820) set on the planet Georgium Sidus (George’s Star) or Uranus.