A Journey to the Moon, and Interesting Conversations with the Inhabitants respecting the Condition of Man

TitleA Journey to the Moon, and Interesting Conversations with the Inhabitants respecting the Condition of Man
Year for Search1811
AuthorsAuthor of Worlds Displayed, The [pseud.]
Pagination8 pp.
Date Published1811
PublisherHowar[d] and Evans
Place PublishedPtd. London

Eutopia. The inhabitants of the moon are spiritually far in advance of Earth and know neither sin nor death. Mostly on the conditions of Earth.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. London: Ptd. by J. Evans & Son, 1815. 8 pp.


The “Author of Worlds Displayed” [pseud.]

Full Text

1811 The “Author of Worlds Displayed” [pseud.]. A Journey to the Moon, and Interesting Conversations with the Inhabitants respecting the Condition of Man. Ptd. London: Howar[d] and Evans. Rpt. London: Ptd. by J. Evans & Son, 1815. 8 pp.

Eutopia. The inhabitants of the moon are spiritually far in advance of Earth and know neither sin nor death. Mostly on the conditions of Earth.