"June 6, 2016"

Title"June 6, 2016"
Year for Search1916
AuthorsEngland, George Allan(1877-1936)
Secondary TitleColliers (New York)
Volume / Edition57.6
Pagination7-9, 27-28, 30-32
Date PublishedApril 22, 1916
KeywordsMale author, US author

A love story set in a technological eutopia that has greater gender equality but with many of the same issues remaining.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in When Women Rule. Ed. Sam[uel] Moskowitz (New York: Walker, 1972), 72-94.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1916 England, George Allan (1877-1936). “June 6, 2016.” Colliers (New York) 57.6 (April 22, 1916): 7-9, 27-28, 30-32. Rpt. in When Women Rule. Ed. Sam[uel] Moskowitz (New York: Walker, 1972), 72-94. PSt

A love story set in a technological eutopia that has greater gender equality but with many of the same issues remaining.