The Keeper

TitleThe Keeper
Year for Search1986
AuthorsFaville, Barry(b. 1939)
Date Published1986
PublisherOxford University Press
Place PublishedAuckland, New Zealand
KeywordsAotearoa New Zealand author, Male author

Young adult post-catastrophe novel. Authoritarian dystopia focused on the continuing dangers of radiation sickness. The people are sliding into ignorance even though they assign one person, known as "the Keeper," to be a teacher and oversea the copying of past writing, in the hope that they will be understood again in the future.

Translation Note

It was translated into Catalan as Suggeriments didáctics sobre el libre El supervivent. Trans. Victor A. Oroval. Alzira, Spain: Edicions Bromera, 1989.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Aotearoa/New Zealand author (b. 1939).

Full Text

1986 Faville, Barry (b. 1939). The Keeper. Auckland, New Zealand: Oxford University Press. It was translated into Catalan as Suggeriments didáctics sobre el libre El supervivent. Trans. Victor A. Oroval. Alzira, Spain: Edicions Bromera, 1989. VUW

Young adult post-catastrophe novel. Authoritarian dystopia focused on the continuing dangers of radiation sickness. The people are sliding into ignorance even though they assign one person, known as “the Keeper,” to be a teacher and oversee the copying of past writings, in the hope that they will be understood again in the future. Aotearoa/New Zealand author.