"Land of Light"

Title"Land of Light"
Year for Search2015
AuthorsEmbleton, Stephen
Secondary AuthorsKahora, Billy
Secondary TitleImagine Africa 500: Speculative Fiction from Africa
Date Published2015
PublisherPan African Publications
Place PublishedLilongwe, Malawi
KeywordsMale author, South African author

The story set is set in The Congo in a future eutopian high-tech, unified Africa.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in The Manchester Review, no. 18 (July 2017). http://www.themanchesterreview.co.uk/?p=7680.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

South African author

Full Text

2015 Embleton, Stephen. “Land of Light.” Imagine Africa 500: Speculative Fiction from Africa. Ed. Billy Kahora (Lilongwe, Malawi: Pan African Publications, 2015), 161-69. Rpt. in The Manchester Review, no. 18 (July 2017). http://www.themanchesterreview.co.uk/?p=7680. DLC, O

The story set is set in The Congo in a future eutopian high-tech, unified Africa. South African author.