The Last Amazon

TitleThe Last Amazon
Year for Search1984
AuthorsChandler, A[rthur] Bertram(1912-84)
Tertiary AuthorsChandler, A. Bertram
Date Published1984
PublisherDAW Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsAustralian author, English author, Male author

Sequel to 1968 Chandler in which women are born and Amazons emerge on the planet New Sparta that was originally all men. John Grimes is instrumental in defeating the Amazons. Graham Stone in his Australian Science Fiction Bibliography (Sydney, NSW, Australia: Graham Stone, 2004), 11 says that its working title was Find the Lady.

Info Notes

The fourteenth volume of his lengthy John Grimes series.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (1912-84) was born in England and immigrated to Australia in 1956.

Full Text

 1984 Chandler, Arthur Bertram (1912-84). The Last Amazon. New York: DAW Books. The fourteenth volume of his lengthy John Grimes series. PSt

Sequel to 1968 Chandler in which women are born and Amazons emerge on the planet New Sparta that was originally all men. John Grimes is instrumental in defeating the Amazons. Graham Stone in his Australian Science Fiction Bibliography (Sydney, NSW, Australia: Graham Stone, 2004), 11 says that its working title was Find the Lady. The author was born in England and immigrated to Australia in 1956.