The Last of the Green-Toed Fruit-Bats: A Fairy-Tale for Adults

TitleThe Last of the Green-Toed Fruit-Bats: A Fairy-Tale for Adults
Year for Search1989
AuthorsJeffreys, Toni
Date Published1989
PublisherWaiake Wordsmiths
Place PublishedAuckland, New Zealand
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Part dystopia, part fantasy, part feminist eutopia. The story, written as if from 2019-20, is of an island in the eastern Pacific called New Balkland, which has an ecology and history similar to New Zealand. The novel is written from the point-of-view of one woman from her earliest years to her full development as a powerful witch. Her history parallels a series of environmental and political disasters that leads to the destruction of the world, except for New Balkland, which is saved by its women, with the help of the world's whales.


Illus. Oliver Calvert.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

New Zealand female author.

Full Text

1989 Jeffreys, Toni. The Last of the Green-Toed Fruit-Bats: A Fairy-Tale for Adults. Illus. Oliver Calvert. Auckland, New Zealand: Waiake Wordsmiths. ATL

Part dystopia, part fantasy, part feminist eutopia. The story, written as if from 2019-20, is of an island in the eastern Pacific called New Balkland, which has an ecology and history similar to New Zealand. The novel is written from the point-of-view of one woman from her earliest years to her full development as a powerful witch. Her history parallels a series of environmental and political disasters that leads to the destruction of the world, except for New Balkland, which is saved by its women, with the help of the world’s whales.