"The Last Homosexual"

Title"The Last Homosexual"
Year for Search1996
AuthorsPark, Paul [Claiborne](b. 1954)
Secondary TitleAsimov's Science Fiction
Volume / Edition20.6 (246)
Date PublishedJune 1996
ISSN Number1065-6298
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia in which the U.S. has broken up into individual states, and the story focuses on Louisiana under the New Baptists.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in The Year’s Best Science Fiction Fourteenth Annual Collection. Ed. Gardner [Raymond] Dozois (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997), 167-77. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1954)

Full Text

1996 Park, Paul [Claiborne] (b. 1954). “The Last Homosexual.” Asimov’s Science Fiction 20.6 (246) (June 1996): 36-48. Rpt. in The Year’s Best Science Fiction Fourteenth Annual Collection. Ed. Gardner [Raymond] Dozois (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997), 167-77. Merril

Dystopia in which the U.S. has broken up into individual states, and the story focuses on Louisiana under the New Baptists.