From the Legend of Biel

TitleFrom the Legend of Biel
Year for Search1975
AuthorsStaton, Mary(b. 1945?)
Date Published1975
PublisherAce Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

A complex novel focusing on a highly advanced society both technically and socially trying to push human evolution along faster with both positive and negative results. This culture, which is part of a vast federation of worlds, meets a primitive culture on one world and the humans who visit that planet.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note

Female author (b. 1945?)

Full Text

1975 Staton, Mary (b. 1945?). From the Legend of Biel. New York: Ace Books. Merril, PSt

A complex novel focusing on a highly advanced society both technically and socially trying to push human evolution along faster with both positive and negative results. This culture, which is part of a vast federation of worlds, meets a primitive culture on one world and the humans who visit that planet. Female author.