Looking Backward: 2050-2013

TitleLooking Backward: 2050-2013
Year for Search2013
AuthorsMorey, Ravi
Date Published2013
Place PublishedNorth Charleston, SC
KeywordsIndian author, Male author, US author

The current situation rapidly deteriorates into a dystopia after Sarah Palin (b. 1964) supported by a Congress dominated by the far-right, was elected President in 2020. The U.S. economy collapses. As the price for bailing out the U.S., other countries insisted on the establishment of a world government (the United States of the World) and nation-states disappear. Presented as if a history of the period. Includes biographies of a number of recent and current political figures, some projected into the future.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author was born in India and has lived in the U.S. from age five.

Full Text

2013 Morey, Ravi. Looking Backward: 2050-2013. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace. PSt

The current situation rapidly deteriorates into a dystopia after Sarah Palin (b. 1964) supported by a Congress dominated by the far-right, was elected President in 2020. The U.S. economy collapses. As the price for bailing out the U.S., other countries insisted on the establishment of a world government (the United States of the World) and nation-states disappear. Presented as if a history of the period. Includes biographies of a number of recent and current political figures, some projected into the future. The author was born in India and has lived in the U.S. from age five.