The Lost Diaries of Albert Smith

TitleThe Lost Diaries of Albert Smith
Year for Search1965
AuthorsMuller, Robert(b. 1925)
Date Published1965
PublisherJonathan Cape
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsMale author, UK author

Dystopia in which Fascists come to power in Britain.

Additional Publishers

Later ed. as After all, this is England. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1967.

Title Note

Later ed. as After all, this is England

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1925)

Full Text

1965 Muller, Robert (b. 1925). The Lost Diaries of Albert Smith. London: Jonathan Cape. Later ed. as After all, this is England. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1967. DLC

Dystopia in which Fascists come to power in Britain.