Love Among the Ruins; A Romance of the Near Future. With decorations by varying eminent hands including the author's

TitleLove Among the Ruins; A Romance of the Near Future. With decorations by varying eminent hands including the author's
Year for Search1953
AuthorsWaugh, Evelyn [Arthur St. John](1903-66)
Date Published1953
PublisherChapman and Hall
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Dystopia of a dreary dingy life in the welfare state. Reformatories are the best place to live and within them the best places go to murderers followed by sex offenders.

Additional Publishers

Very slightly shorter version illustrated by Mervyn Peake published in Lilliput 32.6 (May-June 1953): 73-96.



Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1953 Waugh, Evelyn [Arthur St. John] (1903-66). Love Among the Ruins; A Romance of the Near Future. With decorations by varying eminent hands including the author’s. London: Chapman and Hall. Very slightly shorter version illustrated by Mervyn Peake published in Lilliput (London) 32.6 (May-June 1953): 73-96. L, PSt

Dystopia of a dreary dingy life in the welfare state. Reformatories are the best place to live and within them the best places go to murderers followed by sex offenders.