"The Lunarian, A Tale, In Five Cantos"

Title"The Lunarian, A Tale, In Five Cantos"
Year for Search1819
AuthorsC[orfield], F[rederick]
Tertiary AuthorsC., F.
Secondary TitleThe Mélange, Containing The Lunarian, A Tale, In Five Cantos. Wonders, In Two Parts. The Picture Gallery, In Nine Cantos. And Various Other Pieces, In Verse
Date Published1819
PublisherPtd. by J. Poole
Place PublishedTaunton, Eng.
KeywordsMale author

Poem beginning with a visit from a prince of the moon to a wealthy Persian man in hopes of marrying his daughter. Much detail on the lavish wealth of the Persian, but Persia is presented as a absolute and cruel monarchy with women obedient. The eutopia on the moon is a limited monarchy with gender equality. Few clothes. High morality. Authors are fined for wasting their time, and the fines support the poor. The poem is followed by "Wonders, A Lunarian Poem, In Two Parts" (49-64), which is an example of a poem for which an author was fined.

Holding Institutions

L, PSt

Full Text

1819 C[orfield,] F[rederick]. “The Lunarian, A Tale, In Five Cantos.” In his The Mélange, Containing The Lunarian, A Tale, In Five Cantos. Wonders, In Two Parts. The Picture Gallery, In Nine Cantos. And Various Other Pieces, In Verse (Taunton, Eng.: Ptd. by J. Poole, 1819), 1-48. L, PSt

Poem beginning with a visit from a prince of the moon to a wealthy Persian man in hopes of marrying his daughter. Much detail on the lavish wealth of the Persian, but Persia is presented as a absolute and cruel monarchy with women obedient. The eutopia on the moon is a limited monarchy with gender equality. Few clothes. High morality. Authors are fined for wasting their time, and the fines support the poor. The poem is followed by “Wonders, A Lunarian Poem, In Two Parts” (49-64), which is an example of a poem for which an author was fined.