The Machine Society: Rich or poor. They want you to be a prisoner

TitleThe Machine Society: Rich or poor. They want you to be a prisoner
Year for Search2016
AuthorsBrooks, Mike
Date Published2016
PublisherCosmic Egg Books
Place PublishedWinchester, Eng.
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author, Scottish author

Dystopia in which both the rich and the poor live in isolated regions within a “security wall,” which is supposed to be protecting them from the outside. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author was born in Scotland and lived most of his life in England.

Full Text

2016 Brooks, Mike. The Machine Society: Rich or poor. They want you to be a prisoner. Winchester, Eng.: Cosmic Egg Books. Public

Dystopia in which both the rich and the poor live in isolated regions within a “security wall,” which is supposed to be protecting them from the outside. The author was born in Scotland and lived most of his life in England.