The Man From Mars or Service, for Service's Sake

TitleThe Man From Mars or Service, for Service's Sake
Year for Search1910
AuthorsDowding, Henry Henry Wallace(Dunraven)(1867?-1938)
Date Published1910
PublisherCochrane Publishing Company
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author, US author

Detailed Christian eutopia on Mars. No large cities. No military. Stress on the home. Martians are both rational and artistic. Many completely equipped school buildings. "On the planet Mars education starts with a principle called Service" (251). Individual talents developed. Universal language. Includes extracts from a constitution.

Holding Institutions

DLC, MoU-St, PSt

Author Note

The author (1867?-1938) was born in England and moved to the U.S in 1889.

Full Text

1910 Dowding, Henry Wallace (Dunraven) (1867?-1938). The Man From Mars or Service, for Service’s Sake. New York: Cochrane Publishing Company. DLC, MoU-St, PSt

Detailed Christian eutopia on Mars. No large cities. No military. Stress on the home. Martians are both rational and artistic. Many completely equipped school buildings. “On the planet Mars education starts with a principle called Service” (251). Individual talents developed. Universal language. Includes extracts from a constitution. The author was born in England and moved to the U.S in 1889.