The Man Who Japed

TitleThe Man Who Japed
Year for Search1956
AuthorsDick, Philip K[indred](1928-82)
Date Published1956
PublisherAce Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopian satire on a future of required happiness through Moral Reclamation (Morec), a combination of religion and advertising.

Info Notes

Ace Double bound with E[dwin] C[harles] Tubb's The Space-Born (1955).

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1956 Dick, Philip K[indred] (1928-82). The Man Who Japed. New York: Ace Books. Ace Double bound with E[dwin] C[harles] Tubb (1919-2010), The Space-Born (1955). Merril, PSt

Dystopian satire on a future of required happiness through Moral Reclamation (Morec), a combination of religion and advertising.