"Men Like Gods: An Original Romance"
Title | "Men Like Gods: An Original Romance" |
Year for Search | 1922 |
Authors | Wells, H[erbert] G[eorge](1866-1946) |
Tertiary Authors | Wells, H. G. |
Secondary Title | The Westminster Gazette |
Volume / Edition | nos. 9175 - 9210 |
Pagination | all installments are on page 12 except No. 9196 (January 1, 1923): 3. |
Date Published | December 5, 1922 - January 17, 1923 |
Keywords | English author, Male author |
Annotation | A world composed entirely of the Samurai of 1905 Wells. |
Additional Publishers | U.S. serialization illus. George W. Bellows. Hearst's International 42.5 - 43.6 (November 1922 - June 1023): 9-15, 136-39; 42-48, 128-31; 32-38, 124-25, 110; 42-48, 151-53;38-43, 149-53; 56-61, 154-55; 89-92, 130, 132-34; 83-84, 146-48. Repub. without the subtitle. London: Cassell, 1923. Rpt. in The Works of H.G. Wells Atlantic Edition. Volume XXVIII Men Like Gods and The Dream (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1927), 1-328. Except for later critical editions, The Atlantic Edition is generally considered the best text of Wells's works. |
Info Notes | Subtitle added after the first issue. There is a brief satirical poem directed at the novel by W.H.B., “This Man--Wells,” The Westminster Gazette, no 9178 (December 8, 1922): 12 rpt. from the Morning Post. |
Author Note | (1866-1946) |
Full Text | 1922-23 Wells, H[erbert] G[eorge] (1866-1946). “Men Like Gods: An Original Romance” [Subtitled added after the first issue]. The Westminster Gazette, nos. 9175 - 9210 (December 5, 1922 - January 17, 1923): all installments are on page 12 except No. 9196 (January 1, 1923): 3. U.S. serialization illus. George W. Bellows. Hearst’s International 42.5 - 43.6 (November 1922 - June 1023): 9-15, 136-39; 42-48, 128-31; 32-38, 124-25, 110; 42-48, 151-53;38-43, 149-53; 56-61, 154-55; 89-92, 130, 132-34; 83-84, 146-48. Repub. without the subtitle. London: Cassell, 1923; U.S. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1923. Rpt. in The Works of H.G. Wells Atlantic Edition. Volume XXVIII Men Like Gods and The Dream (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1927), 1-328. Except for later critical editions, The Atlantic Edition is generally considered the best text of Wells’s works. A world composed entirely of the Samurai of 1905 Wells.There is a brief satirical poem directed at the novel by W.H.B., “This Man--Wells,” The Westminster Gazette, no 9178 (December 8, 1922): 12 rpt. from the Morning Post. |