"The Moat"

Title"The Moat"
Year for Search1991
AuthorsEgan, Greg[ory Mark](b. 1961)
Secondary TitleAurealis
Volume / Editionno. 3
Date PublishedMarch 1991
KeywordsAustralian author, Male author

The story concerns the possible emergence of a new, superior species of humans set in a future Australia with a worsening climate crisis that becomes an excuse for the country’s mistreatment of refugees. It ends with a worry about all current humans becoming the “other” to the new ones.

Holding Institutions

CU-Riv, PSt

Author Note

Australian author (b. 1961)

Full Text

1991 Egan, Greg[ory Mark] (b. 1961). “The Moat.” Aurealis, no. 3 (March 1991): 5-13. Rpt. in his Axiomatic (London: Millennium, 1995). U.S. ed. (New York: HarperPrism, 1997), 174-86. PU

The story concerns the possible emergence of a new, superior species of humans set in a future Australia with a worsening climate crisis that becomes an excuse for the country’s mistreatment of refugees. It ends with a worry about all current humans becoming the “other” to the new ones. Australian author.