"The Motor Car. A Drama of To-morrow"

Title"The Motor Car. A Drama of To-morrow"
Year for Search1897
Secondary TitleEvening Post (New Zealand)
Volume / Edition53.37
Date PublishedFebruary 13, 1897

Satire set in a future in which cars have destroyed London and everyone has moved out. Uses the trope of a New Zealander visiting the ruins.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. from the London Referee (not located).

Full Text

1897 “The Motor Car. A Drama of To-morrow.” Evening Post (Wellington, New Zealand) 53.37 (February 13, 1897): 2. Available at http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/. Rpt. from the London Referee.

Satire set in a future in which cars have destroyed London and everyone has moved out. Uses the trope of a New Zealander visiting the ruins.