"Move the World"

Title"Move the World"
Year for Search2019
AuthorsMcNeil, Carla Speed
Secondary TitleThe Verge Better Worlds
Date PublishedFebruary 8, 2019
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The story is told in a series of vignette depicting “perfect,” but deeply flawed worlds as a commentary on the notion of perfection.

URLIn “Move the World,” a mysterious lever can reset everything. Do you pull it? - The Verge
Info Notes

An author Q&A is available on the site


Illus. Zoë van Dijk

Author Note

The female author is best known for the SF comic series Finder.

Full Text

2019 McNeil, Carla Speed. “Move the World.” Illus. Zoë van Dijk. The Verge Better Worlds (February 8, 2019). In “Move the World,” a mysterious lever can reset everything. Do you pull it? - The VergeAn author Q&A is available on the site

The story is told in a series of vignette depicting “perfect,” but deeply flawed worlds as a commentary on the notion of perfection. The female author is best known for the SF comic series Finder.