"Mr Smith's privatised penis"

Title"Mr Smith's privatised penis"
Year for Search1989
AuthorsTownsend, Sue [Susan Lillian](1946-2014)
Secondary TitleMr. Bevan's Dream
Volume / EditionChatto Counterblast No. 9
Date Published1989
PublisherChatto & Windus
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

The concluding chapter of an attack on the failure to fully implement the welfare state and the bureaucratic inefficiencies of what was put into place. A dystopia showing how privatization would be worse.

Title Note

On cover Why Britain Needs Its Welfare State.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1946-2014)

Full Text

1989 Townsend, Sue [Susan Lillian] (1946-2014). “Mr Smith’s privatised penis.” In her Mr. Bevan’s Dream [On cover Why Britain Needs its Welfare State]. Chatto Counterblast No. 9 (London: Chatto & Windus, 1989), 71-73. NLS

The concluding chapter of an attack on the failure to fully implement the welfare state and the bureaucratic inefficiencies of what was put into place. A dystopia showing how privatization would be worse. Female author.