Myora or The Land of Eternal Sunshine. In Three Parts
Title | Myora or The Land of Eternal Sunshine. In Three Parts |
Year for Search | 1903 |
Authors | Hanvey, Robert E. |
Pagination | 92 pp. |
Date Published | 1903 |
Publisher | The Gimlin Press |
Place Published | Chicago, IL |
Keywords | Male author |
Annotation | Eutopia on Mars, known as Myora, with three races living in harmony. One race does agricultural work, one does mechanical work, and the third are semi-intelligent canines. Most of the novel is on the trip to Mars and the airship in which the trip is made. |
Info Notes | Only one part published. |
Holding Institutions | CU-Riv |
Full Text | 1903 Hanvey, Robert E. Myora or The Eutopia on Mars, known as Myora, with three races living in harmony. One race does agricultural work, one does mechanical work, and the third are semi-intelligent canines. Most of the novel is on the trip to Mars and the airship in which the trip is made. |