Nelson Gregory's 2084

TitleNelson Gregory's 2084
Year for Search2008
AuthorsGregory, Nelson [pseud.]
Date Published2008
PublisherFrequent Flyer Books & Music
Place PublishedKingwood, TX
KeywordsUS author

Dystopia in which all power has been concentrated in the presidency and, in an anti-terrorist move, the president orders U.S. forces to attack and kill Muslims living in the U.S., including U.S. citizens.


Gregory, Nelson [pseud.].

Holding Institutions


Full Text

2008 Gregory, Nelson [pseud.]. Nelson Gregory’s 2084. Kingwood, TX: Frequent Flyer Books & Music. PSt

Dystopia in which all power has been concentrated in the presidency and, in an anti-terrorist move, the president orders U.S. forces to attack and kill Muslims living in the U.S., including U.S. citizens.