The New Gulliver or The Adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, Jr. in Capovolta

TitleThe New Gulliver or The Adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, Jr. in Capovolta
Year for Search1979
AuthorsDodderidge, Esmé(1916-97)
Date Published1979
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, Welsh author

Gender reversal satire. 

Additional Publishers

U.K. ed. London: J.M. Dent, 1980.

Author Note


Full Text

1979 Dodderidge, Esmé (1916-97). The New Gulliver or The Adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, Jr. in Capovolta. A Novel. New York: Taplinger. U.K. ed. London: J.M. Dent, 1980. PSt

Gender reversal satire. Welsh author.