The New School: A Novel of the Creation of a New Society

TitleThe New School: A Novel of the Creation of a New Society
Year for Search1959
AuthorsRay, Howard William
Date Published1959
PublisherExposition Press
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author

Series of utopian sketches beginning in contemporary Mexico and building through reincarnation to the development of a new school that develops into a community and influences the country as a whole. Vaguely religious.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1959 Ray, Howard William. The New School: A Novel of the Creation of a New Society. New York: Exposition Press. CtY

A novel in a series of utopian sketches beginning in contemporary Mexico, followed by the reincarnation of the main characters and their establishment of a new school that develops into a community. The community then influences the whole country in a more positive direction. Vaguely religious.