"Old Bruises"

Title"Old Bruises"
Year for Search1996
AuthorsFraser, Heather
Secondary AuthorsRunté, Robert, and Meynard, Yves(b. 1964)
Secondary TitleTesseracts5: The Anthology of New Canadian Speculative Fiction
Date Published1996
PublisherTesseract Books
Place PublishedEdmonton, AB, Canada
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

Dystopia of corporate control, male dominance.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note

Canadian female author

Full Text

1996 Fraser, Heather. “Old Bruises.” Tesseracts5: The Anthology of New Canadian Speculative Fiction. Ed. Robert Runté and Yves Meynard (Edmonton, AB, Canada: Tesseract Books, 1996), 313-23. PSt

Dystopia of corporate control and male dominance. Canadian female author.