"The Oogenesis of Bird City"

Title"The Oogenesis of Bird City"
Year for Search1970
AuthorsFarmer, Philip José(1918-2009)
Secondary TitleAmazing Science Fiction Stories
Volume / Edition 44.3
Pagination6-15, 107
Date PublishedSeptember 1970
ISSN Number1060-541X
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia. The story describes the political maneuvering around the establishment of a separate, eutopian city for all those on welfare, who are all black, thus deliberately separating the races.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his The Purple Book (New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1982), 5-27; and in The Classic Philip José Farmer 1964-1973 (New York: Crown, 1984), 115-29.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1970 Farmer, Philip José (1918-2009). “The Oogenesis of Bird City.” Amazing Science Fiction Stories 44.3 (September 1970): 6-15, 107. Rpt. in his The Purple Book (New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1982), 5-27; and in The Classic Philip José Farmer 1964-1973 (New York: Crown, 1984), 115-29. MoU-St

Dystopia. The story describes the political maneuvering around the establishment of a separate, eutopian city for all those on welfare, who are all black, thus deliberately separating the races.