The Orphan's Isle; A Tale for Youth. Founded on Facts

TitleThe Orphan's Isle; A Tale for Youth. Founded on Facts
Year for Search1838
AuthorsWall, Charles
Date Published1838
PublisherWm. S. Orr
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsMale author

Robinsonade in which a family with small children are shipwreck on an island in the South Pacific. The parents both die, and the children live successfully until rescued.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1838 Wall, Charles. The Orphan’s Isle: A Tale for Youth. Founded on Facts. Illus. London: Wm. S. Orr. L

Robinsonade in which a family with small children are shipwreck on an island in the South Pacific. The parents both die, and the children live successfully until rescued.