Panic City

TitlePanic City
Year for Search2016
AuthorsAshby, Madeline(b. 1983)
Secondary AuthorsHeller, Jason, and Viola, Joshua
Secondary TitleCyber World: Tales of Humanity’s Tomorrow
Date Published2016
PublisherHex Publishers
Place PublishedErie, CO
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

Dystopia of an automated city designed to protect its inhabitants that ends up killing them. 


Illus. Aaron Lovett and Joshua Viola. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian female author (b. 1983).

Full Text

2016 Ashby, Madeline (b. 1983). “Panic City.” Illus. Aaron Lovett and Joshua Viola. Cyber World: Tales of Humanity’s Tomorrow. Ed. Jason Heller and Joshua Viola. Illus. (Erie, CO: Hex Publishers, 2016), 77-86. Public

Dystopia of an automated city designed to protect its inhabitants that ends up killing them. Canadian female author.