The People on Other Planets

TitleThe People on Other Planets
Year for Search1925
AuthorsFox, Richard A.
Date Published1925
PublisherThe Walter Southworth Co. Distributors
Place PublishedBenton Harbor, MI
KeywordsMale author

Spiritual journeys to other planets in the form of fifty-five short dated entries in a diary together with one undated chapter entitled Mind Power that is in effect an introduction. Everyone has the power to use their minds to replace machinery if they live right (vegetarian) and keep their minds free of "injustice, hatred, vengeance, and sensuality" (2). In the Preface the author says that his descriptions reflect actual occurrences (viii).

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1925 Fox, Richard A. The People on Other Planets. Benton Harbor, MI: The Walter Southworth Co. Distributors. PSt

Spiritual journeys to other planets in the form of fifty-five short dated entries in a diary together with one undated chapter entitled Mind Power that is in effect an introduction. Everyone has the power to use their minds to replace machinery if they live right (vegetarian) and keep their minds free of “injustice, hatred, vengeance, and sensuality” (2). In the Preface the author says that his descriptions reflect actual occurrences (viii).