The Perfect Planet

TitleThe Perfect Planet
Year for Search1962
AuthorsSmith, Evelyn E.(1927-2000)
Date Published1962
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Satire. Artemis was an isolated planet that served as a health resort but was cut off during Earth’s wars. Earth has become prudish, and the people are overweight and physically weak. A man and a woman from Earth arrive on Artemis, and they find a society in which the brochures from the past are infallible, sacred texts. The people are required by law to keep at their ideal weight and wear few clothes, shocking the overdressed and overweight Earthlings. A continuing sub-theme is that the women treat the men as the “superior sex” while being in complete control. 

Additional Publishers

Rpt. New York: Lancer, 1963.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1962 Smith, Evelyn E. (1927-2000). The Perfect Planet. New York: Avalon. Rpt. New York: Lancer, 1963. PSt

Satire. Artemis was an isolated planet that served as a health resort but was cut off during Earth’s wars. Earth has become prudish, and the people are overweight and physically weak. A man and a woman from Earth arrive on Artemis, and they find a society in which the brochures from the past are infallible, sacred texts. The people are required by law to keep at their ideal weight and wear few clothes, shocking the overdressed and overweight Earthlings. A continuing sub-theme is that the women treat the men as the “superior sex” while being in complete control. Female author.