Piano White: A Cyberpunk Story

TitlePiano White: A Cyberpunk Story
Year for Search2021
AuthorsFarca, Gerald
Pagination73 pp.
Date Published2021
Place PublishedNp
ISBN Number979-8515604516
KeywordsGerman author, Male author

As the subtitle says, the novella is set in a cyberpunk future where people live in containers in which they can experience anything they desire. Of course, it isn’t that simple.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The German author is Professor of Game Design at the University of Augsburg and Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig.

Full Text

2021 Farca, Gerald. Piano White: A Cyberpunk Story. Np: [Author]. 73 pp. PSt

As the subtitle says, the novella is set in a cyberpunk future where people live in containers in which they can experience anything they desire. Of course, it isn’t that simple. The German author is Professor of Game Design at the University of Augsburg and Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig.