"Pirates of the Cumberland Basin"

Title"Pirates of the Cumberland Basin"
Year for Search2009
AuthorsHall, Joanne
Secondary AuthorsHarvey, Colin
Secondary TitleFuture Bristol
Date Published2009
PublisherSwimming Kangaroo Press
Place PublishedArlington, TX
KeywordsFemale author, UK author

Dystopia of a flooded Bristol with extensive organized crime and pirates living outside the law. Much of Europe is flooded.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

2009 Hall, Joanne. “Pirates of the Cumberland Basin.” Future Bristol. Ed. Colin Harvey (Arlington, TX: Swimming Kangaroo Press, 2009), 125-52. PSt

Dystopia of a flooded Bristol with extensive organized crime and pirates living outside the law. Much of Europe is flooded. U.K. female author.