"The Plagiarist"
Title | "The Plagiarist" |
Year for Search | 1950 |
Authors | Phillips, Peter(1920-2012) |
Secondary Title | New Worlds |
Volume / Edition | 3.7 |
Pagination | 54-74 |
Date Published | Summer 1950 |
Keywords | English author, Male author |
Annotation | The story is set in a future that has rejects anything that is not quantifiable. A young boy still has an imagination that keeps getting him in trouble. Some undeveloped suggestions of significant social changes. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. without the illus. in Future Tense: New and Old Tales of Science Fiction. Ed. Kendell Foster Crossen (New York: Greenberg/Toronto, ON, Canada: Ambassador Books, 1952), 3-44. |
Illustration | Illus. [Bob (Robert Allen) Clothier (1921-99) |
Holding Institutions | PSt |
Author Note | (1920-2012) |
Full Text | 1950 Phillips, Peter (1920-2012). “The Plagiarist.” Illus. [Bob (Robert Allen)] Clothier (1921-99)New Worlds 3.7 (Summer 1950): 54-74. Rpt. without the illus. in Future Tense: New and Old Tales of Science Fiction. Ed. Kendell Foster Crossen (New York: Greenberg/Toronto, ON, Canada: Ambassador Books, 1952), 3-44. PSt The story is set in a future that has rejects anything that is not quantifiable. A young boy still has an imagination that keeps getting him in trouble. Some undeveloped suggestions of significant social changes. |