The Positive Community: Glimpses of the Regenerated Future of the Human Race. A Sermon, Preached at Modern Times, Long Island, on Saturday, 24th Gutenberg, 75, (5th September 1, 1863) Being the Sixth Anniversary of the Death (Transformation) of Auguste Comte, Founder of the Religion of Humanity

TitleThe Positive Community: Glimpses of the Regenerated Future of the Human Race. A Sermon, Preached at Modern Times, Long Island, on Saturday, 24th Gutenberg, 75, (5th September 1, 1863) Being the Sixth Anniversary of the Death (Transformation) of Auguste Comte, Founder of the Religion of Humanity
Year for Search1864
AuthorsEdger, Henry
Secondary TitleModern Times Tracts, No. 3
Date Published1864
PublisherPtd. For the Positive Typographical Fund, Year of the Great Modern Crisis
Place PublishedModern Times, NY
KeywordsMale author, US author

A Positivist sermon beginning with some utopian elements addressed to his "Beloved Disciples". The future society will be organized with governments regulating industry and labor and capital together.

Info Notes

On the Modern Times community, see Roger Wunderlich, Low Living and High Thinking at Modern Times, New York. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1992.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1864 Edger, Henry. The Positive Community: Glimpses of the Regenerated Future of the Human Race. A Sermon, Preached at Modern Times, Long Island, on Saturday, 24th Gutenberg, 75, (5th September 1, 1863) Being the Sixth Anniversary of the Death (Transformation) of Auguste Comte, Founder of the Religion of Humanity. Modern Times Tracts, No. 3. Modern Times, NY: Ptd. For the Positive Typographical Fund, Year of the Great Modern Crisis, 76. L

A Positivist sermon beginning with some utopian elements addressed to his “Beloved Disciples”. The future society will be organized with governments regulating industry and labor and capital together.