"Prelude to a Nocturne"

Title"Prelude to a Nocturne"
Year for Search1998
AuthorsLindquist, Rowena Cory(b. 1958)
Secondary AuthorsDann, Jack [Mayo](b. 1945), and Webb, Janeen
Secondary TitleDreaming Down-Under
Pagination213-33 with an "Afterword" on 234
Date Published1998
Place PublishedSydney, NSW, Australia
KeywordsAustralian author, Female author

Dystopia. A future in which many people permanently put off puberty.

Author Note

Australian female author (b. 1958).

Full Text

1998 Lindquist, Rowena Cory (b. 1958). “Prelude to a Nocturne.” Dreaming Down-Under. Ed. Jack [Mayo] Dann and Janeen Webb (Sydney, NSW, Australia: HarperCollins, 1998), 213-33. “Afterword” (234). PSt

Dystopia. A future in which many people permanently put off puberty. Female author.