"A Prophetic Account of a Grand National Epic Poem to be entitled 'The Wellingtoniad' and to be published A.D. 2824"

Title"A Prophetic Account of a Grand National Epic Poem to be entitled 'The Wellingtoniad' and to be published A.D. 2824"
Year for Search1824
AuthorsM[acauley], T[homas]
Tertiary AuthorsM, T
Secondary TitleKnight's Quarterly Magazine
Volume / Edition3.6
Date PublishedNovember 1824
KeywordsMale author

Satire on colonialism.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1824 M[acauley], T[homas]. “A Prophetic Account of a Grand National Epic Poem to be entitled ‘The Wellingtoniad,’ and to be published A.D. 2824.” Knight’s Quarterly Magazine 3.6 (November 1824): 434-42. O

Satire on colonialism.