Reconstructing Eden: "Steve" Crabtree's scheme to eliminate temptation and abolish evil

TitleReconstructing Eden: "Steve" Crabtree's scheme to eliminate temptation and abolish evil
Year for Search1909
AuthorsConrad, Howard Louis
Date Published1909
PublisherNew Eden Pub. Co.
Place PublishedColumbus, OH
KeywordsMale author

Humor--presents a eutopia based on eliminating temptation and then criticizes it.


Illus. W. A. Ireland. 

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1909 Conrad, Howard Louis. Reconstructing Eden: “Steve” Crabtree’s scheme to eliminate temptation and abolish evil. Illus. W. A. Ireland. Columbus, OH: New Eden Pub. Co. DLC

Humor--presents a eutopia based on eliminating temptation and then criticizes it.