At the request of . . The Chairman of the A to L Committee of Parliament, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, N.Z., I herewith submit my ideas concerning . . My Community Land Settlement Scheme To Give YOUTH a CHANCE Also Map of SETTLEMENT and Design for Social Hall

TitleAt the request of . . The Chairman of the A to L Committee of Parliament, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, N.Z., I herewith submit my ideas concerning . . My Community Land Settlement Scheme To Give YOUTH a CHANCE Also Map of SETTLEMENT and Design for Social Hall
Year for Search1933
AuthorsAlgie, Marian C.
Date Published1933
Place PublishedWellington, New Zealand
KeywordsAotearoa New Zealand author, Female author

Detailed proposal for a community of ten-acre farms with central common land and social hall. Stress on the simple life without machinery.

Title Note

Cover title Community Land Settlement Scheme to Give YOUTH A CHANCE.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Aotearoa/New Zealand female author.

Full Text

1933 Algie, Marian C. At the request of . . The Chairman of the A to L Committee of Parliament, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, N.Z., I herewith submit my ideas concerning . . My Community Land Settlement Scheme To Give YOUTH a CHANCE Also Map of SETTLEMENT and Design for Social Hall. [Cover title Community Land Settlement Scheme to Give YOUTH A CHANCE]. Wellington, New Zealand: Author. ATL

Detailed proposal for a community of ten-acre farms with central common land and social hall. Stress on the simple life without machinery. Aotearoa/New Zealand Female author.