The Rise and Progress of the Kingdoms of Light & Darkness. Or, the Reign of Kings Alpha and Abado

TitleThe Rise and Progress of the Kingdoms of Light & Darkness. Or, the Reign of Kings Alpha and Abado
Year for Search1867
AuthorsBlackson, Lorenzo D[ow](b. 1817)
Date Published1867
PublisherJ. Nicholas, Printer
Place PublishedPhiladelphia, PA
KeywordsAfrican American author, Male author

Christian allegory reflecting the battle between good and evil on earth and in the Celestial Country from the creation onwards into a future where good wins. 

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Gregg Press, 1968.



Holding Institutions


Author Note

African American (b. 1817) author whose parents had been slaves; his father was freed and was able to buy his mother’s freedom, so the author was born free. The author describes himself as a minister in the African Union Church (later the American Union Church), which had split from the white Methodist Episcopal Church.

Full Text

1867 Blackson, Lorenzo D[ow] (b. 1817). The Rise and Progress of the Kingdoms of Light & Darkness. Or, the Reign of Kings Alpha and Abado. Illus. Philadelphia, PA: J. Nicholas, Printer. Includes “Sketch of the Life of the Author (3-15), “A Supplement by the Author” that includes additional material on the text and poems by the author (241-73), and a detailed “Contents” that summarizes the book (274-88). Rpt. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Gregg Press, 1968. PSt

Christian allegory reflecting the battle between good and evil on earth and in the Celestial Country from the creation onwards into a future where good wins. African American author whose parents had been slaves; his father was freed and was able to buy his mother’s freedom, so the author was born free. The author describes himself as a minister in the African Union Church (later the American Union Church), which had split from the white Methodist Episcopal Church.