"Rooted Ritual”

Title"Rooted Ritual”
Year for Search2021
AuthorsMcKay, Charlie
Secondary TitleXR WORDSMITHS Solarpunk Storytelling Contest
Date Published2021

A coming of age ritual in a future eutopia that had been built after the sixth mass extinction of the twenty-first century.

Info Notes

The story was one of the seven in the honourable mention category of XR’s 2021 Solarpunk Storytelling Showcase.

Full Text

2021 McKay, Charlie. “Rooted Ritual.” XR WORDSMITHS Solarpunk Storytelling Contest. http://solarpunkstorytelling.com/stories/rooted-ritual/

A coming of age ritual in a future eutopia that had been built after the sixth mass extinction of the twenty-first century. The story was one of the seven in the honourable mention category of XR’s 2021 Solarpunk Storytelling Showcase.