The Ruins of Isis

TitleThe Ruins of Isis
Year for Search1978
AuthorsBradley, Marion Zimmer(1930-1999)
Date Published1978
Place Published[Virginia Beach, VA]
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Isis is a matriarchal eutopia going through a series of physical and political problems and being studied by an anthropologist from another planet. The ruins are ancient and thought to have been built by an extinct alien race.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. New York: Pocket Books, 1978; and New York: Timescape, 1979.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1930-99).

Full Text

1978 Bradley, Marion Zimmer (1930-99). The Ruins of Isis [Virginia Beach, VA]: Starblaze/Donning. Rpt. New York: Pocket Books; and New York: Timescape, 1979. GU, PSt

Isis is a matriarchal eutopia going through a series of physical and political problems and being studied by an anthropologist from another planet. The ruins are ancient and thought to have been built by an extinct alien race. Female author.