The Rule of the Beasts

TitleThe Rule of the Beasts
Year for Search1925
AuthorsMurray, V[iolet] T[orlesse Holland](b. 1874)
Tertiary AuthorsMurray, V. T.
Date Published1925
PublisherStanley Paul & Co
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

After a catastrophe, animals bring about a eutopia among themselves and the remaining humans with an emphasis on the spiritual.

Holding Institutions

L, PSt

Author Note

Female author (b. 1874)

Full Text

1925 Murray, V[iolet] T[orlesse Holland] (b. 1874). The Rule of the Beasts. London: Stanley Paul & Co. L, PSt

After a catastrophe, animals bring about a eutopia among themselves and the remaining humans with an emphasis on the spiritual. Female author.