
Year for Search1957
AuthorsElliott, George P[aul](1918-80)
Secondary TitleThe Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Volume / Edition13.4 (77)
Date PublishedOctober 1957
ISSN Number00024-984X
KeywordsMale author, US author

Slavery in an alternative history United States in which slaves are available in department stores and your local corner store. The male protagonist buys a female slave, guaranteed good at housework and copulation.

Additional Publishers

Rpt.in A Treasury of Great Science Fiction. 2 vols. Ed. Anthony Boucher (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1959), 1: 370-79.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1957 Elliott, George P[aul] (1918-80). “Sandra.” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 13.4 (77) (October 1957): 71-82. Rpt.in A Treasury of Great Science Fiction. 2 vols. Ed. Anthony Boucher (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1959), 1: 370-79. PSt

Slavery in an alternative history United States in which slaves are available in department stores and your local corner store. The male protagonist buys a female slave, guaranteed good at housework and copulation.