"Sculptures of Life"

Title"Sculptures of Life"
Year for Search1939
AuthorsWest, Wallace [George](1900-80)
Secondary TitleAstounding Science-Fiction (New York)
Volume / Edition24.4
Date PublishedDecember 1939
KeywordsMale author, US author

The background to the story is a flawed utopia. In the future a technique for transferring the personality of a person into a newly created body allows some extremely rich people to live forever. While accumulating power and wealth for themselves, they build a high tech future that appears to be better but is entirely dependent on the whims of these few people.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Science-Fiction Thinking Machines: Robots, Androids, Computers. Ed. Groff Conklin (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1954), 222-41.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1939 West, Wallace [George] (1900-80). “Sculptures of Life.” Astounding Science-Fiction (New York) 24.4 (December 1939): 71-85. Rpt. in Science-Fiction Thinking Machines: Robots, Androids, Computers. Ed. Groff Conklin (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1954), 222-41. Merril

The background to the story is a flawed utopia. In the future a technique for transferring the personality of a person into a newly created body allows some extremely rich people to live forever. While accumulating power and wealth for themselves, they build a high tech future that appears to be better but is entirely dependent on the whims of these few people.