"Second Chance"

Title"Second Chance"
Year for Search1994
AuthorsCantine, Holley
Secondary AuthorsBlechman, Max
Secondary TitleDrunken Boat: Art, Rebellion, Anarchy
Date Published1994
PublisherAutomedia/Left Bank Books
Place PublishedBrooklyn, NY/Seattle, WA
KeywordsFemale author

Indians successfully revolt and reestablish their traditional way of life. Most of the story is about the build-up to the revolt.

Info Notes

The Contents pages adds the subtitle A Tale of Native American Revenge.

Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

1994 Cantine, Holley. “Second Chance.” Drunken Boat: Art, Rebellion, Anarchy. Ed. Max Blechman (Brooklyn, NY: Automedia/Seattle, WA: Left Bank Books, 1994), 186-207. The Contents pages adds the subtitle [“A Tale of Native American Revenge]”.

Indians successfully revolt and reestablish their traditional way of life. Most of the story is about the build-up to the revolt.